Press center

Press about us

Articles by prominent people of the company

Information for media representatives

The PR department of Deliveri LLC is always ready to provide journalists with up-to-date and reliable information at first hand and provide comments from the company's experts.

    When requesting a comment, please indicate:

  • - questions you would like to receive an answer to.
  • - time frame in which it would be desirable to receive a response.
  • - comment form (written response, video filming, personal interview, telephone interview).
  • - the name of your publication and contact numbers.

We value your time and the interest you show in our company.

National Development Office

01004, Kiev, st. Velyka Vasylkivska 15/2

Tel./fax: (044) 238 88 58


Public Relations Department

01004, Kiev, st. Velyka Vasylkivska 15/2

Tel.: (067) 215 69 24
